merrill marriage ministry

Marriage is given to us by God and is supposed to be not only a testimony to the world of how God wants to relate to us, it is also the foundation of our society.  For those who are trying to follow Christ and are married, this ministry exists to try to strengthen our relationship with one another as we, together, grow closer to God.

We will do this in a variety of ways. 

  1. By having quarterly large group social gatherings.  
  2. By organizing Marriage Small Groups that we will encourage our married couples to be a part of.  These groups will have small group Marriage Material they will go through together.  They will also pray for and encourage one another to invest in their marriage.
  3. We will also offer to some of our couples, Marriage Coaching.  Please call the office if you believe you are in need of some marriage coaching.

Social Gatherings

Every quarter, we host some kind of gathering for married couples.  The purpose of these times will be for fun, fellowship as well as connecting with other people in our church.  You do not need to be a part of our Marriage Small Groups to participate.  Perhaps at one of these gatherings you will connect with others in such a way that you will want to invest on another level and join a small group.